KetelOne Vodka 40 ml
Creme De Cacao White 20 ml
Home-made Burnt Orange Liqueur 20 ml
Kintamani Orange Jelly 20 ml
Egg white 10 ml
1. shake all the concoction with ice except egg white
2. strain to another mixing glass
3. pour the egg white and start to quickly stir with the hand mixer or bar spoon to emulsify
4. serve the cocktail into chilled martini glass
It has come to my thought that I should have create something to drink in honor of my Mom she's my biggest inspiration ever who used to watch "Sex and the City" while having a nicely prepared Cosmopolitan and Orange Creme Brulee, so.... by all mean, I took all the idea in making cocktail base on those flavor into my new cocktail creation.... hope you guys enjoy this drinks and by the way it has won 3rd place in the Diageo Reserve World Class Challenge on KetelOne Vodka held in Rock Bar Bali - Indonesia